Top 5 Healthy Drinks

1.Green Tea:

    Green tea contains oxidants such as the catechins, that assist in decreasing inflammatory and oxidative stress. It can boost brain function, aid in fat loss, and promote heart health.

    . Boil water and allow it cool somewhat.

    . Prepare a herbal tea bag or a tiny amount of loose leaf tea for 2-3 minutes.

    . Discard the tea bag and sieve the leaves.

          Kombucha, also has become a tea made with yeast that contains probiotics that promote gut health, aid digestion, and boost the immune system. It also contains antioxidants, which might increase energy levels.

            . Boil water, then soak a tea bag (black or green) in it. Allow it chill till room temperature.

            . Add the sweetener to your cooled tea and stir until dissolved.

            . Shift into a sanitized jar, insert a kombucha SCOBY (a symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria), or cover with a cloth.

            . Ferment approximately a week to two weeks in room temperature, tasting occasionally, until the desired tanginess is achieved.

            . Removed an a spore, jar the kombucha, and store it in the refrigerator.

            3. Turmeric Latte:

            That drink, often known as “golden milk,” contains turmeric, a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It improves bone health and skin issues.

            How to Prepare:

              . One cup of milk, either plant-based or dairy, should be heated in a saucepan.

              . Combine 1 teaspoon curry powder, 1/2 teaspoon spice, & a little bit of black pepper.

              . Use sugar or maple syrup to taste-test.

              . Cook slowly to a few minutes, strain if necessary, and serve warm.

              4. Beet Juice:

              Beet juice contains a high concentration of nitrates, which helps enhance blood flow and reduce blood pressure. It also contains nutrients that promote liver function and physical performance. How to Prepare:

                • Peel and cut 2-3 organic beets into tiny pieces.
                • Juice the beets with a juicer. luckily cannot afford a juicer, mix the vegetables with a little water and filter through cheesecloth.
                • Optionally, add an amount fresh citric acid or a slice of ginger.

                5. Lemon Water:

                Lemon water boosts vitamin C, promotes hydration, improves digestion, and has cleansing benefits. How to Prepare:

                  • Squeeze 1⁄2 a lime in a cup of water (approximately 8 oz).
                  • Stir thoroughly. We can add some icebergs when you like.
                  • For extra taste, add some mint leaves and a piece of cucumber.

                  These nutritious beverages offer a variety of advantages, including better digestion, increased hydration, or immunological support. They are simple to add in your regular routine. 

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